Cleveland, NC

Work Injury FAQs

Chiropractor in Garner Discusses Work Injuries

Workplace injuries are any trauma or impact that interrupts the body’s normal functions and abilities during work or as a result from work. They can happen suddenly through impact or subtly over time through repetitive stooping, twisting, and lifting on the job. With the proper chiropractic care, you can recover from these injuries without drugs or surgery. At Cleveland Chiropractic and Massage in Garner, NC, we love helping our community members get back on their feet.

How do I know I have a work injury?

Either you were injured on company time, company property, or by a company employee directly or indirectly. You may have suffered a fall, run into something overhanging in the walkway, or been hit by a forklift. You and another coworker may have even collided innocently while walking, but when you fell, you sustained an injury. 

Not all workplace injuries are so obvious. If you type or sit for long periods at a desk, you may find you have tingly feelings in your arms, hands, or legs one day. You might feel sharp pain going up your wrists, or you might be experiencing more headaches and migraines than usual. These injuries are due to poor posture and poor ergonomics.

How do I know if I should see a chiropractor?

Suppose you were hurt on the job or suspect you have a workplace injury. In that case, your employer may have a policy in place requiring you to see a medical care provider or a qualified medical evaluator in your state to determine the level of injury you experienced. Thankfully, in many states, chiropractors are considered qualified medical providers to do these evaluations. 

If you see a primary care physician who wants to prescribe you pain medications or suggests surgery to fix your ailments, you may want to get a second opinion from a chiropractor. Our chiropractor, Dr. Jennifer Moran, is adept at screening for these issues. 

You’ll also want to see a chiropractor when your efforts to fix any range of motion issues or if you experience continued headaches and migraines. 

What are different types of workplace injuries?

Workplace injuries vary based on industry, the equipment used on the job, and how you bend, move, twist, lift, and otherwise support yourself while on the job. Common workplace injuries include carpal tunnel syndrome, bent-neck pain, upper or lower back pain, headaches, migraines, and shooting pain down your legs or through your fingers. 

Contact Our Trusted 40/42 Area Chiropractor in Garner

Faithfully serving the communities of Clayton, Cleveland, Willow Springs, Four Oaks, Angier, and the surrounding areas, we at Cleveland Chiropractic and Massage in Garner, NC love helping people recover faster from their work injuries. Call us to schedule an appointment today!

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